


1. 议题的通过;证书报告

1. Adoption of the agenda; report on credentials

2. IMO其他机构的决定

2. Decisions of other IMO bodies

3. 考虑和通过对《公约》提出的修正案 

3. Consideration and adoption of proposed amendments to the Convention

4. 审议和更新《FAL公约》附则

 4. Review and update of the annex to the FAL Convention

5. 单一窗口概念的应用

5. Application of single window concept

6. 审议和修订《IMO便利和电子商务纲要》,包括其他电子商务解决方案

6. Review and revision of the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business, including additional e-business solutions

7. 制定海上单一窗口交换信息的验证性、完整性和机密性指南

7. Developing guidance for authentication, integrity and confidentiality of content for the purpose of exchange via maritime single window

8. 在电子导航范围内考虑海事服务的描述 

8. Consideration of descriptions of Maritime Services in the context of e-navigation

9. 为挂靠港口操作数据的协调通信和电子交换制定导则

9. Development of guidelines for harmonized communication and electronic exchange of operational data for port calls

10. 制定关于《设立国家便利委员会的建议》的修正案(FAL.5/Circ.2)

10. Development of amendments to the Recommendations on the establishment of National Facilitation Committees (FAL.5/Circ.2) 

11.  不安全的海上混合移民

 11. Unsafe mixed migration by sea

12.  考虑和分析关于海上获救人员和偷渡人员的报告和信息

12. Consideration and analysis of reports and information on persons rescued at sea and stowaways

13. 解决海事腐败的指南

13. Guidance to address maritime corruption

14. 使用海上水面自主船舶(MASS)的监管范围界定

14. Regulatory scoping exercise for the use of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

15. 制定预防和制止在从事国际海上运输的船舶上走私野生动物的导则

15. Development of guidelines for the prevention and suppression of the smuggling of wildlife on ships engaged in international maritime traffic

16.  在海上运输中引入API/PNR概念

16. Introduction of the API/PNR concept in maritime transport

17. 分析可用于审核《国际便利海上运输公约》符合性的方法

17. Analysis of possible means of auditing compliance with the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic

18. 与便利海上运输有关的技术合作活动

18. Technical cooperation activities related to facilitation of maritime traffic

19. 与其他组织的关系

19. Relations with other organizations

20. 委员会组织和工作方法程序的应用

20. Application of the Committee's procedures on organization and method of work

21. 工作计划

21. Work programme

22. 2023年主席和副主席的选举

22. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023

23. 其他事项

23. Any other business

24. 考虑委员会第46次会议报告

24. Consideration of the report of the Committee on its forty-sixth session

