1. 议程采纳
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. IMO 其他机构的决定
2. Decisions of other IMO bodies
3. 《IGF规则》修正案和制定低闪点燃料导则(2.3)
3. Amendments to the IGF Code and development of guidelines for low-flashpoint fuels (2.3)
4. 《IGC规则》和《IGF规则》修正案,包括高锰奥氏体钢和批准用于低温应用的替代金属材料的相关指南(2.22)
4. Amendments to the IGC and IGF Codes to include high manganese austenitic steel and related guidance for approving alternative metallic material for cryogenic service (2.22)
5. 《IMSBC规则》及其补充文本的修正案(7.13)
5. Amendments to the IMSBC Code and supplements (7.13)
6. 《IMDG规则》及其补充文本的修正案(7.10)
6. Amendments to the IMDG Code and supplements (7.10)
7. 《国际散装谷物安全运输规则》(决议MSC.23(59))修正案,以引入一种新的特殊舱室装载条件的类别(7.25)
7. Amendments to the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (resolution MSC.23 (59)) to introduce a new class of loading conditions for special compartments (7.25)
8. 修订船上进入封闭处所的修订建议(决议A.1050(27))(6.15)
8. Revision of the Revised recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships (resolution A.1050(27)) (6.15)
9. 审议有关船上或港区包装危险品或海洋污染物事件的报告(7.28)
9. Consideration of reports of incidents involving dangerous goods or marine pollutants in packaged form on board ships or in port areas (7.28)
10. Review of the IGC Code (1.17)
11. 制定关于发现和强制报告海上集装箱遗失的措施,以加强定位、追踪和回收此类集装箱(4.4)
11. Development of measures regarding the detection and mandatory reporting of containers lost at sea that may enhance the positioning, tracking and recovery of such containers (4.4)
12. 国际海事组织安全、保安和环境相关公约规定的统一解释(7.1)
12. Unified interpretation of provisions of IMO safety, security, and environment-related conventions (7.1)
13. Development of guidelines for the safety of ships using ammonia as fuel (2.0)
14. 修订关于散装运输液化氢的临时建议(2.0)
14. Revision of the Interim recommendations for carriage of liquefied hydrogen in bulk (2.0)
15. 两年期议程和CCC 9临时议题
15. Biennial status report and provisional agenda for CCC 9
16. 2023年主席和副主席的选举
16. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023
17. 其他事项
17. Any other business
18. 向委员会报告
18. Report to the Committees