理事会 Council

C.76(100)Refurbishment of the headquarters building
C.75(88)1991 amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization (institutionalization of the Facilitation Committee)
C.74(86)Appointment of the Secretary-General
C.73(84)1993 amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
C.72(70)Participation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in the principal and subsidiary organs of IMO
C.71(65)Revised budget for 1991
C.70(64)Appreciation of the services to the Organization of Mr. Thomas A. Mensah
C.69(61)Revised budget for 1989
C.68(57)Budget and assessments for 1987
C.67(53)Budget and assessments for 1985
C.66(49)Budget and assessments for 1983
C.65(XLV)Budget and assessments for 1981
C.64(XLV)Early and wider ratification of the 1971 Fund Convention
C.63(XLII)Measures for reducing documentation
C.62(XLII)Work programme and budget for the eleventh financial period 1980/81
C.61(XL)IMCO’s responsibilities and competence in the fields of multimodal transport, containerization and the maritime carriage of dangerous goods
C.60(XXXVIII)Statute of the Joint Inspection Unit
C.59(XXXVII)Retirement of Captain Saveliev, Secretary of MSC, from the Organization
C.58(XXXVI)Continuation of the Joint Inspection Unit
C.57(XXXII)IMCO’s role in work on container standards
C.56(XXIX)Contract of the Secretary-General
C.55(XXVIII)Establishment of a Committee on Technical Co-operation
C.54(XXVIII)Constitution of a Facilitation Committee
C.53(XXVIII)Matters arising from General Assembly resolutions 275(XXVI) and 396(V) relating to the representation of China
C.52(XXIII)Treatment of reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
C.51(XXII)Relations with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
C.50(ES.IV)Technical co-operation activities
C.49(ES.IV)Technical co-operation
C.48(XXI)Common grading standards
C.47(XXI)Professional salary scales
C.46(XXI)Carry-over to 1969 of uncommitted balances of 1968 appropriations
C.45(XXI)Technical assistance matters
C.44(XXI)Activities in the field of maritime law
C.43(XXI)The role of IMCO
C.42(XXI)Continuation of the work of the Working Group on Objectives and Methods
C.41(XX)Review of the Organization’s work
C.40(XX)Technical assistance
C.39(XX)Final accounts for the fourth financial period, and on the UNDP (technical assistance) account for 1967, and the External Auditor’s report thereon
C.38(XX)Treatment of reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
C.37(XX)Revised text of annex XII to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies
C.35(XX)National co-ordination
C.34(XVIII)Work programme and budget (1968/69)
C.33(XVII)Election of a new Secretary-General
C.32(XVII)Study of future developments in ship design
C.31(XVII)Relations with the United Nations and the specialized agencies. Safety of fishing vessels.
C.30(XVI)Consideration of the reports of the Maritime Safety Committee sessions held in January and in May 1966
C.29(XVI)Salary scales
C.28(XVI)Amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the CO Convention; status of ratifications
C.27(XIV)Simla Rules
C.26(XIV)Professional salary scales
C.25(XIV)Grading system for General Service personnel
C.24(XIV)Post adjustment for the Secretary-General
C.23(XIV)Status of the Working Capital Fund
C.22(XIV)Proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations
C.21(XIV)Application of uncommitted balances of appropriations for 1964 (printing costs in 1965)
C.20(XIV)Application of uncommitted balances of appropriations for 1964 (cost of moving to new Headquarters)
C.19(XIV)Work programme and budget
C.18(XIII)Grading system for General Service personnel
C.17(XI)Financial provisions for an extraordinary session of the Assembly
C.16(XI)Relations with the host State
C.15(XI)Report on another agreement with the United Nations
C.14(XI)Report on an agreement with the United Nations
C.13(XI)Amendments to the Staff Rules
C.12(XI)Amendments to the Staff Regulations
C.11(XI)Amendments to the Staff Regulations
C.10(XI)Report on investment of funds
C.9(XI)Presentation of the accounts for 1963 and the External Auditor’s report thereon
C.8(XI)Status of the Working Capital Fund
C.7(XI)Currency of contributions
C.6(XI)Establishment of a new working group on the contribution system
C.5(XI)Technical assistance
C.4(XI)Facilitation of travel and transport
C.3(XI)[No resolution was adopted under this number]
C.2(VI)International Convention on Load Lines
C.1(III)Status of the Convention [Two Council resolutions were given the number 1]
C.1(I)Conditions of service of the Secretary-General [Two Council resolutions were given the number 1]